
We strive to make our website accessible to all. If you have difficulty accessing or using our website, please contact us at 0131 5568711

This website conforms to level AA website accessibility standards of The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

  • Images on our website have alternative text describing their contents or function, so visitors using screen readers can access this information
  • Links in sentences are underlined and in a different colour. Links open in the same window unless otherwise stated.
  • You can resize text using your browser settings
  • The colours on our site have been chosen so they provide enough contrast to allow users to easily read the content.
  • Navigation is consistent throughout the site – you can return to the homepage by clicking in the top left hand corner, or use the search function in the top right-hand corner of the page (drop down menu on mobile) to find specific pages
  • Videos do not play automatically, and subtitles are provided when possible.
  • In forms, fields are clearly labelled, and errors in forms are flagged before a form can be submitted.